Painful Periods


Painful periods? Ugh, I know. I used to too. But not anymore.

For an entire lifetime, since my teens, I quietly suffered through the most extreme debilitating cramps. I remember sitting at my desk in high school, squirming in pain.

As the years went on, they only got worse to the point where it hurt so bad that they would have me buckled over puking. I once was kicked off an airplane before take-off because the attendants didn’t want me to fly while I was in this state.

Every doctor I saw told me that this was normal, ” take Advil.” So that’s what I did. Three was the magic number, and I took them right went I felt the cramps coming. If I missed that window and waited too long, I was screwed and continued to my world of torture. Every month was a game of Russian Roulette.

After the MS diagnosis—I finally started seeing a holistic doctor who went through exhaustive amounts of questions to get to the root cause of my ailments. One of the questions was, “do you have cramps?” No doctor, not even my OB/GYN, had ever asked me that before. I explained the severity of them. And just like that, she said, “Oh, take Magnesium daily until they go away. It might take about a month before you see results.“

I was a little skeptical, but thought, well, it can’t hurt. AND OMG—LIFE CHANGING!!!! IT WORKED!!!

And the benefits of Magnesium don’t stop there: It’s great for sleep, bowel movements, helps to give a sense of calm, and helps with slowing down brain aging—pretty cool, right? Most Americans appear to be deficient. And drinkers beware: Magnesium depletion is especially true for us.

I always look for a high-quality formula that is non-GMO, gluten-free without synthetic binders. I use Magnesium L-Threonate, and I like it because it doesn’t cause gastrointestinal discomfort for me.

So that’s what’s worked for me. I haven’t had cramps in five years. But if/when I start to feel pangs, I use that as a signal that I need to up my intake. I hope this helps.

With much love, hope, and health,
Be well.

:) V