

I was watching a study on the correlation between disease and vegetable oils, and it reminded me of how important this is, and I felt compelled to post about it. I'm human and tend to get a bit lax sometimes. But the information jarred me into remembering to AVOID vegetable oils like the plague. 

In animal studies, in small amounts, they shortened a rat's life by about 1/2 and increased heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases by alarming rates. These oils are even more damaging than sugar and refined wheat combined! They're in most processed foods. So beyond not cooking with it, READ your labels before you buy. Outside restaurant foods are no different. There are no labels, so you have no idea what you're getting. Consumer beware.

Butter and animal fat are our friends — like the way our grandmas used to cook. I used to get grossed out with the idea of lard. But my grandmother and great grandmother used plenty of it, and they lived well into their 100s. My other grandma, who used Crisco and Canola, passed on in her early 70s from a heart attack. She was told it was heart healthy and she thought she was doing the “right” thing. Both grandmas had similar diets. Looking back at that, coupled with watching this made me sad and angry—Hindsight 20/20.

I know this sounds extreme and more than likely, like old news. And I'm not a doctor; therefore, I won't make any claims. Instead, I'll invite you to watch the same presentation that scared the bejeezus out of me, with all the data to back it up:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kGnfXXIKZM&feature=emb_logo.

Here are the worst offenders:








Rice bran

Best to use: 

grass-fed butter

grass-fed lard


coconut oil

olive oil

quality avocado oil

With much love, hope, and health,
Be well.

:) V